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Here are ten simple body conditioning exercises.
Easily done, they cover the body’s major muscle groups and joints. Done every day, whenever you can, they’ll help keep you toned and in balance.
Start with just a few repetitions, and gradually build up to 15 or 20.
The exercises are safe to repeat as often as you like.

But remember, never do any exercises which cause or aggravate pain!
If in doubt, seek professional guidance in person.

Five exercises on your bed or on a mat on the floor

 1. On your stomach, arms alongside you: breathing normally, lift your head and shoulders a little way keeping your hands on the bed, bring your shoulder blades together gently, then slowly return to the starting position and relax completely.
For a full description, click here

 2. On your stomach, place your hands below your shoulders, fingers forwards: breathing normally, straighten your arms as much as you can to lift your head and trunk up while still keeping your hips close to the bed. Hold for a count of 5, return to the starting position, and relax completely.
For a full description, click here

3. On your back with a pillow under your head, knees bent, arms forwards resting on your thighs: breathe in, then as you breathe out, lift your head, shoulders and trunk upwards and try to bring your hands up to and slightly beyond your knees; breathing normally, slowly reverse the movement and relax completely.
For a full description, click here

 4. On your back, with a pillow under your head, knees bent and arms alongside you: breathing normally, lift your hips up a little way, hold for a count of 2, then slowly lower your hips and relax completely.
For a full description, click here

 5. Sitting up, place the soles of your feet together and let your knees splay outwards gently; using your hands and without forcing the movement, bring your feet closer to your body, keeping the knees splayed; hold for a count of 5, then relax completely.
For a full description, click here

Five exercises standing up, close to a support in case you need to steady yourself

 1. Standing straight with your arms by your sides, breathing normally, go up and down on your toes, keeping your knees straight and your weight over the balls of the feet.
For a full description, click here

 2. Standing with your arms held forwards, by your sides or on your hips, breathing normally, bend your knees with control to go down into the half-squat or full-squat position, then straighten up quickly and relax.
For a full description, click here

 3. Standing straight with your arms by your sides, breathing normally, lift one leg straight out sideways 3-5 times without putting the foot down; repeat with the other leg, then relax completely.
For a full description, click here

4. Standing, breathing normally, lift your arms up sideways, then slowly reverse the movement and relax. Your palms can face upwards, downwards and forwards in turn.
For a full description, click here

 5. Standing, swing your arms round in circles or spirals above your head in an easy continuous rhythm.
For a full description, click here
© Vivian Grisogono 2009